
Friday, February 21, 2014

Over the weekend I had the opportunity to visit Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine and I had a wonderful time!  While driving home with my husband we were talking and discovered that six months ago (to the day) we were looking at the mountains in Maui on our honeymoon.  We couldn’t believe where our life has taken us in such a short amount of time.  After thinking about this for sometime, I wanted to compare the two mountain ranges into one photo, but had no idea how.  After searching the App Store I discovered PicPlayPost.  This is an app that allows you to take at least two photos/video and create 1, almost like you are creating a photo montage.  Here is the photo I created:  

Now granted I didn’t use any videos, but I thought how neat it would be to have students use this app as another way to present information.  Students can reenact different elements from a book, dress up like certain characters, or take snapshot of what they think the setting looks like.  Once a final project/image is created by the student, the student can then post it on the classroom Instagram page for all to see and comment on.  I love that by using this app you can include videos as well.  What a great way to present a subject in just a few short seconds.  This only forces students to concentrate on the main idea and for the teacher to understand if they are comprehending the material in a very short amount of time.  


  1. Those are some beautiful pictures! And what a great resource! Thank you for sharing! Do you think there is one subject or area that this would be best used for, or do you think this would be great in any subject? What a great way to have students focus on one particular moment or event!

    1. Thank you :-) I think I would use this app for ELA or even Social Studies. I think students would have a great time reenacting different events. I'm glad you enjoyed it :-)

  2. It's so beautiful in Maine!

    I love that app - thanks for sharing! I just added it to my way to long list of apps that I may need in the near future. I'll have to try it out on my personal Instagram in the meantime!

  3. Great resource! I'm excited to try it out with a class.
