
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hello Blogging World!

This is my first attempt at blogging, I really have no idea what I am doing.  I thought I had somewhat of a good handle on the whole technology world and after just one grad class, I am realizing I have no idea what I am doing.  There is SOO much out there!  

I hope this post turns out okay, can't wait to post more!


  1. I completely feel the same way you do about technology and blogging. I also thought I was well diverse in the area of technology until I began this course. I did my first blog yesterday. I never really knew what blogging was all about, but I am sure I will grow to enjoy it! I am still not sure what to blog about, but I have a feeling I will get a lot of great ideas from the class!

  2. Love that my learning curve is always stuck in the curve position! Thank you for being open and willing to take risks this semester and embrace change! Looking forward to learning with you!

  3. Blogging is brand new for me too, and like I commented to Jessica I am pretty nervous, but more excited. I think it'll be an eye-opening experience for us as teachers, and put us in our student's shoes, which is a good place to be every now and then!
